Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Coming Soon To A House Near You

The hubs and I were invited to a Halloween party the other weekend. I was all ready to go as a Sumo Wrestler, but Chad, as usual, waited until the last minute possible to figure his costume out.

We were out running errands, and had planned to go to the Halloween store to find something for him since the party was that night. So we are in the car, both totally stumped for ideas. And then it rode by us.

Me: Is that a Jehovah's Witness?

Chad: Yeah.

Me: OMG! That's IT!

Chad: What?

Me: Your costume! It would totally work. And we don't have to buy anything but a short sleeve white shirt. You have black dress pants, black tie, sneakers, a bike helmet, and a backpack.

Chad: That's hilarious!

So we went off to Wally World, a.k.a. Wal-Mart, to get the white shirt. It was almost the Jehovah's Witness costume debacle of 2012 when he went to get dressed later on that evening though. Even though the shirt said "short sleeve" all over it, it was a long sleeve white dress shirt. Being that he already had a long sleeved dress shirt, he wore that with the sleeves folded up, and we returned the not-so-short sleeve-shirt to Wally World the next day.

But even with the sleeves being rolled up, people knew what he was. He often got asked if his bike was tied up outside. It was a total hit!

Sometimes the best ideas come riding by you when you least expect them.

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