Saturday, December 31, 2011

Best of 2011

As the end of this year approaches, and as a new year begins, I took a look back at all that happened in 2011. We worked as hard as we played, and it will go down in the books as one, really great year.

And now ... the Best of 2011, in iPhone-365 fashion.

Celebrated a milestone with My Father In Law as he turned 60.

Spent some quality time with Ma, Pa, and the Hubby in GA.

6 years worth of hopes, dreams and pinched pennies = new wood flooring.

And carpet.

Our annual ski trip with our awesome, amazing friends (Marky, Mike & Jen!)

I opened my own company! I'm CEO biatches!

Surprised both our Moms for Mother's Day.

Celebrated our first year of wedded bliss.

Took our anniversary trip to Alaska!

The most annoying cat ever turned 5.

My BFF has her first child, and I become Aunite Ebowski.

My little girl becomes a little ol' lady.

After months sleeping on the mattress on the floor, and using wine
boxes as night stands, we finally got new furniture.

My banana bread is a hit, and I actually sell some loaves.

A whirlwind trip to the NE for a wedding, and a bike ride from hell.

We learned how to coupon.

I won an antique dresser at an auction thanks to my Mom.

We helped make the world a little better.

I turned 30 ... and licked a Moosen.

Rang in my 30's by dressing up as a Blow Up Doll.

His backside looks as good as his front side, and he cooks.
I'm one lucky gal.

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Looking forward to all that 2012 has to offer. Happy New Year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Oh Shtick!

Imagine yourself driving in your car on a beautiful, sunny day ...

Then someone cuts you off and you question their driving skills ...

With no gesture of their apology, you show them your gratitude ...

And then send them off on their merry way ...

But not before reminding them what they truly are deep down inside ...

Drive safely, otherwise you might get Shticked.

This message is brought to you by Shticks, courtesy of my sister Kimbo.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

King Richie

"Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened."  Jennifer Yane

Happy Birthday Dad.
Your Kiddo

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