Sunday, July 17, 2011

Say Cheese!

I'm still at it ... the i365 project that is. Check it out here.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bananerific Bread

Many moons ago, in an attempt to do something with over ripened bananas, I made some banana bread. It was delicious so I kept on baking. I've had rave reviews for my banana bread and even special requests for it from friends.

When the Clampetts came to visit the other weekend, I sent them home with a fresh baked loaf of my banana bread. Ma Clampett called to let me know I should quit my day job, the banana bread was amazing.

Then the light bulb went off! A Little Dash of Erica is now featuring a Taste of Erica where you can order your own loaf of my now famous banana bread. At this time I am only offering the Nutty Original and the Un-Nutty Original, but I have have plans to have more of a diverse menu of banana breads and even banana bread cupcakes.

Have a little dash of Erica, because life wouldn't TASTE the same without it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

My County 'Tis of Britain

I am proud to be an American and I will be celebrating our country's independence from Kingdom of Great Britain.

As our country evolved from thirteen colonies to fifty states so did our views, beliefs, cultures, and language. Americans invented the first flexible urethral catheter, a swivel chair, dental floss, safety pins, breast pumps, built the world's first plane, had the first people on the moon, and much more.

We are inventive and imaginative so you can rest easy on this all American holiday as you enjoy your corndogs, buffalo wings and smores and sing your all American songs such as Born in the U.S.A, America the Beautiful, Yankee Doodle and ...

Sound familiar?

This was actually national anthem until 1916. Hey, sometimes you need a little inspiration. Thanks for the tune Britain!

Wishing you all a Happy Indedpendence Day!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Behind Closed Shower Doors

Chad: What are you going to wear tonight?

Me: I don't know. I'm SO fat. Like, for real. Look at this. (I step on scale) I don't feel that fat. Look at me, I'm fat. This jello has some jiggle again. (I get in shower)

Chad: Argh.

Me: What? I can't hear you.

Chad: Argh.

Me: What? (I open shower door to hear him better)

Chad: Argh.

Me: Spell it.

Chad: A-R-G-H

Me: Arth?

Chad: A-R-G-H, Argh.

Me: Use it in a sentence.

Chad: Argggggggh.

Me: Argggg. Like a pirate? Argggg, me matey?

Chad: No, Argh, I'm so fat, Argh.

Me: Got it.

Made by Lena