Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2nd Tri Round Up

My 2nd trimester (weeks 13 to 27) were mostly just as easy as the first. I wouldn't say I'm the luckiest person ever because I'm already getting new symptoms so knowing my luck, I'm going to hit the freaking jackpot of a craptastic 3rd trimester.

The Pros
I never threw up or felt nauseated by anything. I also didn't crave any weird foods. Although I slightly gave up my love for sandwiches toward the end of this trimester. That could also be due to the fact that I ate them like everyday, and sometimes twice a day.

I felt the baby kick! It was pretty dang cool. Although at first I thought I was going to poop my pants. Same kind of feeling, except there is no emergency code brown.

I had some emotional moments but nothing really to write home about. I think I might of been flustered over these same things had I not been pregnant.

I had weird dreams, but no bad dreams, and nothing that was totally out of the norm for me.

The Cons
I hated most meats, other than deli meat. I could eat it but it wasn't yummy at all. Not even the best of the best filet intrigued me. I basically lived off of cereal, sandwiches, fruits, and veggies. 

Acne, acne, acne. It's like I was reliving my adolescence, and it sucked just as bad as it did the first time around.

My hormones might be in overdrive, hence the acne, but I have NOT been able to revel in this "your hair is so thick and luscious" business. Even my hair stylist said the same thing. So basically, my face matches my stringy hair. See? Adolescence.

My back and my hips hurt. Like I gave up working out because I'm afraid of hurting myself even more. I think my cottage cheese legs are making a come back.

It's a Crapshoot

I'm round and getting rounder. This is good, but bad when I step on the scale. I just cannot be happy to see that number going up and up, and up every week regardless if it's because of the baby. I'm only 4'11 and weighed 104 lbs when I first found out I was pregnant. As of week 27, I was up 22 pounds.

And now for the long awaited Bump Pics!

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