Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm BORED! Or Am I?

A thought occurred to me yesterday afternoon as I was being a good wife and washing the husband's car.

For the past few weeks I've been struggling with a lot of free time on my hands and not much to do. This week I not only cleaned Chad's car, I did mine, cleaned the house, touched up paint, ironed a mound of clothing, and even cleaned the baseboards. I've also been reading quite a lot since there isn't much on television at night. I finished two books just last week and this week I am simultaneously reading Twilight and the fourth book in the Sookie Stackhouse Series (True Blood) for the second time.

I chalked it up to not having a lot of work but apparently I was wrong. Compared to last year I am doing almost the same amount of work so what is different? And then it "donged" on me. Wedding planning! I've somehow learned to multi-task a lot in the last year and I've become more efficient. Whoops.



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