Saturday, November 5, 2011

We've Been Elfaed

Chad is a semi-horder and I am a full blown organizational-holic. I should also note my other half has double the stuff I have and obviously isn't as tidy as I am. Due to his larger than Erica-sized clothing and semi-hording tendencies he began to slowly take over MY side of the closet. During the selling of the furniture/ new carpet phase our of Home Improvement Plan of 2011, our closet became a friggin' mess and I was starting to have minor panic attacks over this unsightly mess.

Please note open area and see photo below.
The rest of the stuff that was in our closet that was temporarily relocated during the carpet switcheroo.

We eventually moved most of this stuff back into our closet after the new carpet was put in but it was recently taken out to make room for Part 1 of our Elfa Closet.

We filled an entire bedroom. Holy snikes!
The Old Closet
Freshly Painted
The Men hard at work.
Hello Elfa ... wink, wink.
Next up .. Elfa Part 2! I can't wait!!

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