Tuesday, July 10, 2012

First Tri Round Up

I've never been pregnant before so I don't have anything to compare this pregnancy to, but I think it's been super easy so far.

With most ladies, the end of the first trimester is a blessing. Mine was just another day in the books. I don't know if it was the fact that I just kept telling myself I would not be sick or barf, or that my own mother never had morning sickness with my sister or I, but it just never came.

The "food aversions" I did have were probably the mildest of any case documented. Although no foods seemed to have made me run for the porcelain God I did have find that early on most foods just didn't seem appetizing at all. For example, I love Greek yogurt but the thought of me eating it made me not hungry. Then I ate it anyway and I was all like "I love you Greek yogurt". It made no sense. Some foods did not have the same effect such as chicken, fish and meats. Specifically all fish, anything but ground beef, and chicken breast. I could still eat it but while I was chewing it I was thinking in my head, "chew, chew, chew, swallow, drink water to wash the taste out."

Just like the food aversions, my food cravings are nothing crazy, such as I must have it or I'm going to die this instant. I love food. All kinds of food. Before I was pregnant I would pretty much eat anything. Cheap, easy, elaborate, expensive, healthy, deep fried ... any kind of goodness, even if it wasn't all that good for me. All throughout my first trimester I wanted fruit and sandwiches. Peaches, plums, bananas, melon, grapes, mangoes, etc. I'm not a sandwich snob either. Chicken, turkey, chicken salad, avocado, BLT, tuna ... there is no end. Seriously, I could live off this food. So while Chad is eating his salmon and broccoli, I'm devouring my sandwich and I am as happy as a clam. Well, not a clam. Those don't seem appetizing. Happy as a peach. Mmmm. peaches.

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