Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Chad thinks that I bash him too much on my blog and make him appear like a sissy so, in honor of his 32nd Birthday I give you 32 reasons why my manly husband is the greatest guy ever and why I love him so much.
  1. He is strikingly handsome.
  2. He laughs at my jokes and thinks I'm funny.
  3. He kills bugs.
  4. He takes out the trash and recycle because almost after 6 years of living in the same house, I still don't know what days the trash guy comes.
  5. He makes me yummy dinners.
  6. He is a very hard worker and is good at his job.
  7. He empties the dishwasher without me asking.
  8. He gets me awesome gifts like a Nook.
  9. He knows how to spell everything.
  10. He learned how to put the coffee pot back together.
  11. He gives good feet rubs.
  12. He takes pride in whatever he does.
  13. He is a good son and calls his parents every week.
  14. He lets me drag him to Old Time Pottery.
  15. He is a great golfer.
  16. He loves our fur balls, gives them food, treats, love and good rubbins'.
  17. He is very competitive.
  18. He is good with saving money.
  19. He goes grocery shopping when I don't want to.
  20. He has a great sense of humor.
  21. He loves his family.
  22. He keeps me motivated to go to the gym.
  23. He puts up with my crazy antics.
  24. He hangs all the pictures and stuff on the walls and it comes out straight (unlike me).
  25. He is great with numbers and math.
  26. He teaches me new stuff every day.
  27. He lets me watch my vampire shows on the good t.v. when sports are on.
  28. He always picks the best restaurants to go to.
  29. He plans awesome vacations.
  30. He can reach the stuff on the top shelf.
  31. He knows a lot about wine.
  32. He loves me and always has my back.

This guy is my everything.

Happy Birthday Chad! I love you!

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