Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fatty McFatfat

I wish someone told me what a heifer I looked like. I find it funny that not only were the pictures above taken one year apart but that I am in almost the exact same stance. Gotta change my pose a little.

So after seeing this wretched picture I joined a gym. It took me almost four months to get my fat ass in there consistently. I blame it on the Holiday Season but I was just really lazy and thought I had enough time to slim down and fit in my wedding dress by May. So midway into January I had a wake up call. I had gone down from 115lbs in August to 110lbs but then back up to 122lbs by January, my heaviest ever. I'm 4'11 so for me this is HUGE!

My scale, my gym and I became best friends. We were inseparable. After 16 weeks of hitting the gym 5 to 6 times a week I lost 17 pounds.

Of course, like all weight loss stories go, I fell off the wagon shortly after the wedding. My goal was accomplished and I got bored and lazy. At first the pounds stayed off but now they are creeping up like a cheap pair of underwear.

No one came out and said to me "Hey Fatty!" when I was fat. It wasn't until I lost all the weight that my husband said he likes me better without the saddle bags. I didn't even know I had them. I asked him if I was fat before and he said yes, but as a good husband who didn't want to die a slow and horrible death, he never told me. I asked him if I was fat now and he said no. Although I now know he'll love me big or small, or that he just doesn't want to die, I can't believe a word out of his mouth.

So now I am going to attempt to get back on the wagon and if you see a version of me that ain't so hot, please feel free to call me by my other name .... Fatty McFatfat.

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