It has been over 5 months since I last had contact with Leigh or Andy Taylor of
Leigh Taylor Photography, the photographer we hired for our wedding. I've sent numerous texts and emails and have also left a few voice-mail messages to no avail. Unfortunately I am not the only one of Leigh Taylor's clients who is getting the shaft.
I'm still in shock that the majority of my married life has been spent dealing with this nonsense and it is still not resolved. It will be nine months next week. NINE! All I wanted, and still want, is my dang photos in color and my $250 credit back. Is that really too much to ask for? Maybe? Well, I even asked for the un-edited images to save them time. Yeah, I won't be getting those either and I probably won't be getting jack from them ever. I still haven't made peace with that fact.
Saying that I feel ripped off is an understatement. I feel violated. It would be a heck of a lot easier to deal with if they had only charged $1,000 because I could at least rationalize the situation with the "you get what you pay for" saying, but we gave them over $3,000 and we didn't get even close to what we paid for. I will never have those amazing "Leigh Taylor" pictures unlike her other clients. I am envious of them. Although a good portion of her 2010 brides and grooms still haven't gotten their photos back, they will eventually and it will be like nothing ever happened. They will love their amazing photos and the debacle of Leigh Taylor will be nothing but a distant memory. I, on the other hand, cannot stand to look at most of the photos that I was provided with as they are a constant reminder of the Taylors and I do mean a literal reminder.
My story has made it's way through the local wedding vendor and photography groups. I've recently discovered that many think I, along with many of Leigh's previous clients, are just a bunch of bitchy brides. I have never asked for more than I thought I was entitled to or deserved and neither have these other "bitchy brides". The bitchy brides just want their pictures and communication of when they will be getting them. Yes, it is that plain and simple. There are no crazy and outrageous demands. They want what they paid for. This bitchy bride just wanted Leigh to show up and photograph her wedding and when she bailed, this bitchy bride just wanted an album. To think this could of been resolved eons ago with something as simple as an wedding album.
In sharing my story with anyone who will give me the time of day, it was my soul purpose to get Leigh and Andy's attention and hold them accountable for their behavior. I am flattered to hear that they are blaming me for "messing with their livelihood". Little ol' me brought the big, bad wedding photographer down! Oh but a mere fairy tale. I would be honored to take credit for their loss in business but unfortunately it was all their doing and Leigh and Andy have really shown their true color ...