Monday, January 24, 2011

Holy Shish Kabob!

24 days into the new year and I'm really struggling with one of my resolutions. I vowed to curb my cursing but I've found it is much easier said than done. I've tried to replace my vulgar words with more kid friendly verbiage but, Sugar just doesn't have the same zing that S@&# does. With that said, I'm trying to find some inoffensive language with some pizazz and this is what I've come up with:

  • Asterisk
  • Biswankay
  • Blowhole
  • Frack
  • Stuff
  • Turkey

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year - New Project

I was inspired by a friend's 365 photo project so I decided to start one of my own this year. Stephanie is a pro and has all the cool equipment and software and is mighty talented. Me, well, I carry a nice camera but I don't have the time or patience to mess around too much with editing and and I also don't carry said camera around with me everywhere. I do, on the other hand, have my iPhone with me all the time. So here is to a picturesque 2011, iPhone style!

Check out the rest here!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Resolutions

There is no better way to ring in the new year than compiling a list of things you plan to resolve in the coming year and in most cases failing or giving up within the first 30 days. Here are mine:

  • I will try driving closer to the speed limit or learn to sweet talk my way out of speeding tickets.
  • I will not tell the same story at every get together. By now everyone knows about the tartar sauce in the key lime pie.
  • I will really start working out again... honestly. No joking. Really... I will.
  • I will stop considering other people’s feelings when they so obviously don’t consider mine.
  • I will save my husband's money by spending less cash by using credit cards instead - just kidding Chad!
  • I will learn the actual words to songs instead of making up my own or replacing every unknown word with "hmm" and "something".
  • I will start a project and finish it before starting a new one, and then another, and another.
Happy New Year!

Made by Lena