Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brussel Sprouts are Making A Come Back!

Chicken Chili

A few weeks back I made a Chicken Chili, or at least that is what I would call it for one of our Sunday-Made Weekly Dinners. As you should know, I really, really don't like grocery shopping and up until  recently, hadn't liked cooking either.

I was at the grocery store with the Hubs, plum out of ideas for dinners and without a grocery list which never makes for a good combination. Did I mention I wasn't hungry either? As I was making my way through the produce section, Chad informs me there is Chicken on sale and I suggest a chicken chili for a dinner. The last time I made it I added zucchini which he doesn't really care for and also a no-go is bell peppers, big chunks of tomatoes, corn and squash. So as we are searching for some color veggies to add I find the brussel sprouts. I never had them and he wasn't too sure about them, so in the cart they went. I also picked up leeks and cilantro. I know, really weird combo.

So this is what went into the Crock of Pots:
Chicken Breast (cut into bite sized pieces)
Brussel Sprouts
Chick Peas
Salt, Pepper

Strangely enough, this turned out pretty well and as far as the brussel sprouts go, they are like mini-cabbages. Winner, winner, chicken chili dinner! I think I may have a knack at weirdo dinners.

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